Universitas Pasundan : Scopus Indexed Journal Workshop

Pada tanggal 23 Juli 2018 lalu diadakan workshop penulisan jurnal ilmiah yang diadakan oleh Perguruan Yayasan Pasundan dengan mengundang narasumber Prof. Dr. Ku Ruhana Ku Muhamud dari School of Computing dari UUM (Universiti Utara Malaysia). Workshop ini diikuti oleh perwakilan dosen-dosen dari berbagai prodi di Universitas Pasundan, bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis untuk jurnal ilmiah tingkat internasional seperti Scopus dan berbagi tip & trik dalam meningkatkan kemungkinan hasil penelitian dapat direview dengan hasil yang baik dan diterima dalam jurnal. Berikut adalah materi yang disampaikan dalam workshop (Bahasa yang disampaikan adalah Bahasa melayu dalam penjelasan dab Bahasa Inggris dalam presentasi). Semoga bermanfaat.

Paper atau penelitian term adalah manuskrip (A version of a book, article, or other work before being published or prepared for publication, the author submitted the manuscript as a text file.), dari pandangan editor. Struktur manuskrip mulai dari intro sampai dengan memilih jurnal. Contoh journal of ICT dari UUM yang scopus index sejak 2011. Writing and publishing is crucial : fame (citation, appoint as editor, reviewer, networking etc.) fortune (promotion, royalty, award etc.), responsibility (university rangking, society), making your research public, papers based for futher research.

Langkah pertama ke Scopus adalah registrasi, memiliki ID. Tipe publikasi jurnal : original research (primary literature, include hypotese, long article, significant investment), review article (overview existing literature, identifying specific problem, secondary literature : literature reviews, systematic review and meta-analyses), perspective, opinion & commentary and book review.

Choosing a journal : improve the chance of acceptance. Why Scopus ? : the bibliografi indexing leader (12+M author profiles, 70.000+ affiliation profiles, 5000+ publishers and 69+M records. Journal finder : journalfinder.elsevier.com. Choosing a Journal : knowing journal audience, objective, style and tone. Avoid rejection : 20% because of figures, tables and references. Look for test format, how to submit. Indexing (Scopus, WoS), H-index & impact factor. Access status (green or gold), types of article, publication time, file type and scope (highly technical, general or broader audience etc.). Acceptance low because mismatch between research, does not follow journal convention and must submit to only one journal at one time (ethics).

Tips : pelajari jurnal terlebih dahulu, lihat style atau gaya penulisan dari penulisan artikel dari jurnal tertentu lalu ikuti gaya tersebut untuk meningkatkan acceptance rate. Termasuk dalam penulisan jurnal meneliti jurnal dengan tema yang mirip atau bahkan sama, menghindari plagiarism. Cek status scopus di : www.scimagojr.com. Read submission paper carefully, contohnya diminta mengisi highlight dari paper (yang tidak terdapat dalam paper),  jika diminta 4 maka isi dengan 4 kalimat saja. Perhatikan paper structure : abstract, intro, related work … conclusion, acknowledgement & references. Contoh acknowledgement ditulis dengan cara yang formal misalnya untuk penyandang dana, institusi dll.

Paper / Manuscript Structure

Manuscript Title : specific (reflecting fundamental output, aim & approach), brief and reflect content, informative, concise, no acronyms (unless exclusively known eg. ICT). Tips : scope kecil atau terbatas tetapi mendalam. Manuscript Abstract : informative, grasp the essentials of the article, short, contain problem, method, result & implication or significance, can contain certain acronym and written in the past tense.

Manuscript keywords : 3-5 keywords, avoid overlapping with title, unique. Manuscript introduction : from general to specific, why the research, related studies, elaboration of title, clarify the problem, emphasis the contribution, cite most recent related work, present & past tense. Manuscript literature review : surveys scholarly articles, books and other sources (dissertations, conference proceedings), or theory, providing a descriptions, summary and critical evaluation og each work. Purpose is offer an overview of significance literature published. Cite most recent (last 5 years). Cite other work to : establish the origin of ideas, justify claims, context of your work, interest in field research. Do not cites from white papers or websites ! Literatur dapat diringkas menjadi diagram yang lebih mudah dimengerti.

Manuscript Method / Experiment : detail description of how the research was conducted. Example for software engineering, describe the methodology for developing the system, the design, system evaluation. Supported by citation. Manuscript proposal model : fundamental contribution, describe in detail. Manuscript result : the core of the paper, experimential design, summarize data & result in text, table or graph, why it makes difference, figures or tables, written in past tense. Manuscript conclusion : explain what the result means, why it different, point out exception or limitation, include future work. Manuscript references : past 5 years. 

Suasana Workshop Scopus

... diskusi dalam penulisan jurnal ilmiah
