Interaksi Manusia Komputer : Interaction

The terms of interaction
Traditionally, the purpose of an interactive system is to aid a user in accomplishing goals from some application domain. A domain defines an area of expertise and knowledge in some real-world activity. Some examples of domains are graphic design, authoring and process control in a factory. A domain consists of concepts that highlight its important aspects. In a graphic design domain, some of the important concepts are geometric shapes, a drawing surface and a drawing utensil. Tasks are operations to manipulate the concepts of a domain. A goal is the desired output from a performed task. For example, one task within the graphic design domain is the construction of a specific geometric shape with particular attributes on the drawing surface. A related goal would be to produce a solid red triangle centered on the canvas. An intention is a specific action required to meet the goal.

Task analysis involves the identification of the problem space  for the user of an interactive system in terms of the domain, goals, intentions and tasks. We can use our knowledge of tasks and goals to assess the interactive system that is designed to support them. The concepts used in the design of the system and the description of the user are separate, and so we can refer to them as distinct components, called the System and the User, respectively. The System and User are each described by means of a language that can express concepts relevant in the domain of the application. The System’s language we will refer to as the core language and the User’s language we will refer to as the task language. The core language describes computational attributes of the domain relevant to the System state, whereas the task language describes psychological attributes of the domain relevant to the User state. The system is assumed to be some computerized application, in the context of this book, but the models apply equally to non-computer applications. It is also a common assumption that by distinguishing between user and system we are restricted to single-user applications. This is not the case. However, the emphasis is on the view of the interaction from a single user’s perspective. From this point of view, other users, such as those in a multi-party conferencing system, form part of the system.

The execution - evaluation cycle
Norman’s model of interaction is perhaps the most influential in Human–Computer Interaction, possibly because of its closeness to our intuitive understanding of the interaction between human user and computer. The user formulates a plan of action, which is then executed at the computer interface. When the plan, or part of the plan, has been executed, the user observes the computer interface to evaluate the result of the executed plan, and to determine further actions. The interactive cycle can be divided into two major phases: execution and evaluation. These can then be subdivided into further stages, seven in all. The stages in Norman’s model of interaction are as follows :
1. Establishing the goal.
2. Forming the intention.
3. Specifying the action sequence.
4. Executing the action.
5. Perceiving the system state.
6. Interpreting the system state.
7. Evaluating the system state with respect to the goals and intentions.

Each stage is, of course, an activity of the user. First the user forms a goal. This is the user’s notion of what needs to be done and is framed in terms of the domain, in the task language. It is liable to be imprecise and therefore needs to be translated into the more specific intention, and the actual actions that will reach the goal, before it can be executed by the user. The user perceives the new state of the system, after execution of the action sequence, and interprets it in terms of his expectations. If the system state reflects the user’s goal then the computer has done what he wanted and the interaction has been successful; otherwise the user must formulate a new goal and repeat the cycle.

Norman uses a simple example of switching on a light to illustrate this cycle. Imagine you are sitting reading as evening falls. You decide you need more light; that is you establish the goal to get more light. From there you form an intention to switch on the desk lamp, and you specify the actions required, to reach over and press the lamp switch. If someone else is closer the intention may be different, you may ask them to switch on the light for you. Your goal is the same but the intention and actions are different. When you have executed the action you perceive the result, either the light is on or it isn’t and you interpret this, based on your knowledge of the world. For example, if the light does not come on you may interpret this as indicating the bulb has blown or the lamp is not plugged into the mains, and you will formulate new goals to deal with this. If the light does come on, you will evaluate the new state according to the original goals, is there now enough light ? If so, the cycle is complete. If not, you may formulate a new intention to switch on the main ceiling light as well.

Norman uses this model of interaction to demonstrate why some interfaces cause problems to their users. He describes these in terms of the gulfs of execution and the gulfs of evaluation. As we noted earlier, the user and the system do not use the same terms to describe the domain and goals, remember that we called the language of the system the core language and the language of the user the task language. The gulf of execution is the difference between the user’s formulation of the actions to reach the goal and the actions allowed by the system. If the actions allowed by the system correspond to those intended by the user, the interaction will be effective. The interface should therefore aim to reduce this gulf. The gulf of evaluation is the distance between the physical presentation of the system state and the expectation of the user. If the user can readily evaluate the presentation in terms of his goal, the gulf of evaluation is small. The more effort that is required on the part of the user to interpret the presentation, the less effective the interaction.

Norman’s model is a useful means of understanding the interaction, in a way that is clear and intuitive. It allows other, more detailed, empirical and analytic work to be placed within a common framework. However, it only considers the system as far as the interface. It concentrates wholly on the user’s view of the interaction. It does not attempt to deal with the system’s communication through the interface. An extension of Norman’s model, proposed by Abowd and Beale, addresses this problem. This is described in the next section.

The interaction framework
Figure 1 Interaction Framework

The interaction framework attempts a more realistic description of interaction by including the system explicitly, and breaks it into four main components, as shown in Figure 1. The nodes represent the four major components in an interactive system, the System, the User, the Input and the Output. Each component has its own language. In addition to the User’s task language and the System’s core language, which we have already introduced, there are languages for both the Input and Output components. Input and Output together form the Interface. As the interface sits between the User and the System, there are four steps in the interactive cycle, each corresponding to a translation from one component to another, as shown by the labeled arcs in Figure 2. The User begins the interactive cycle with the formulation of a goal and a task to achieve that goal. The only way the user can manipulate the machine is through the Input, and so the task must be articulated within the input language. The input language is translated into the core language as operations to be performed by the System. The System then transforms itself as described by the operations; the execution phase of the cycle is complete and the evaluation phase now begins. The System is in a new state, which must now be communicated to the User. The current values of system attributes are rendered as concepts or features of the Output. It is then up to the User to observe the Output and assess the results of the interaction relative to the original goal, ending the evaluation phase and, hence, the interactive cycle. There are four main translations involved in the interaction : articulation, performance, presentation and observation.

The User’s formulation of the desired task to achieve some goal needs to be articulated in the input language. The tasks are responses of the User and they need to be translated to stimuli for the Input. As pointed out above, this articulation is judged in terms of the coverage from tasks to input and the relative ease with which the translation can be accomplished. The task is phrased in terms of certain psychological attributes that highlight the important features of the domain for the User. If these psychological attributes map clearly onto the input language, then articulation of the task will be made much simpler. An example of a poor mapping, as pointed out by Norman, is a large room with overhead lighting controlled by a bank of switches. It is often desirable to control the lighting so that only one section of the room is lit. We are then faced with the puzzle of determining which switch controls which lights. The result is usually repeated trials and frustration. This arises from the difficulty of articulating a goal (for example, ‘Turn on the lights in the front of the room’) in an input language that consists of a linear row of switches, which may or may not be oriented to reflect the room layout.

Conversely, an example of a good mapping is in virtual reality systems, where input devices such as datagloves are specifically geared towards easing articulation by making the user’s psychological notion of gesturing an act that can be directly realized at the interface. Direct manipulation interfaces, such as those found on common desktop operating systems like the Macintosh and Windows, make the articulation of some file handling commands easier. On the other hand, some tasks, such as repetitive file renaming or launching a program whose icon is not visible, are not at all easy to articulate with such an interface. At the next stage, the responses of the Input are translated to stimuli for the System. Of interest in assessing this translation is whether the translated input language can reach as many states of the System as is possible using the System stimuli directly. For example, the remote control units for some compact disc players do not allow the user to turn the power off on the player unit; hence the off state of the player cannot be reached using the remote control’s input language. On the panel of the compact disc player, however, there is usually a button that controls the power.

The ease with which this translation from Input to System takes place is of less importance because the effort is not expended by the user. However, there can be a real effort expended by the designer and programmer. In this case, the ease of the translation is viewed in terms of the cost of implementation. Once a state transition has occurred within the System, the execution phase of the interaction is complete and the evaluation phase begins. The new state of the System must be communicated to the User, and this begins by translating the System responses to the transition into stimuli for the Output component. This presentation translation must preserve the relevant system attributes from the domain in the limited expressiveness of the output devices. The ability to capture the domain concepts of the System within the Output is a question of expressiveness for this translation. For example, while writing a paper with some word-processing package, it is necessary at times to see both the immediate surrounding text where one is currently composing, say, the current paragraph, and a wider context within the whole paper that cannot be easily displayed on one screen. Ultimately, the user must interpret the output to evaluate what has happened. The response from the Output is translated to stimuli for the User which trigger assessment. The observation translation will address the ease and coverage of this final translation. For example, it is difficult to tell the time accurately on an unmarked analog clock, especially if it is not oriented properly. It is difficult in a command line interface to determine the result of copying and moving files in a hierarchical file system. Developing a website using a markup language like HTML would be virtually impossible without being able to preview the output through a browser.

Assessing overall interaction The interaction framework is presented as a means to judge the overall usability of an entire interactive system. In reality, all of the analysis that is suggested by the framework is dependent on the current task (or set of tasks) in which the User is engaged. This is not surprising since it is only in attempting to perform a particular task within some domain that we are able to determine if the tools we use are adequate. For example, different text editors are better at different things. For a particular editing task, one can choose the text editor best suited for interaction relative to the task. The best editor, if we are forced to choose only one, is the one that best suits the tasks most frequently performed. Therefore, it is not too disappointing that we cannot extend the interaction analysis beyond the scope of a particular task.

Source : Alan Dix, Human Computer Interaction, 3rd Edition, 2004, Prentice-Hall
